
Reparate / Repatriate

It seems our useless Prime Minister who capitulated to the Doctors and the Train Drivers, is now being squeezed for cash from the commonwealth
The question of reparations for slavery, batshit crazy as it may be, has now been around for some time and does not seem to be going anywhere. We've not yet had a PM who can put the question to bed by telling all the grifters, in no uncertain terms, that there is no way on Earth that England is going to pay money to the descendants of people who were hard done by in times past 

We do however, now have a PM who may buckle under the pressure. He does seem to be a buckler, so my confidence is not high

But I have a solution. If the countries that once provided our slaves want monetary compensation, offer them the following:

"We will pay reparations, but we will also repatriate everyone in the UK who descended from a slave, back to the country they would have been born in if Britain had not engaged in slavery" (Commonwealth or otherwise)

By doing that, we wouldn't just be offering financial compensation, but we would be setting the whole thing right

The countries that would receive the money would probably go for it, but how about all the people who live a decent life in a wealthy modern country, facing repatriation to Africa or the Caribbean? They would of course, all have to agree to it before any monies were paid

Also of course, when calculating the value of any reparations we might pay, we would have to deduct any foriegn aid previously sent to those countries, plus a value matching the increased wealth that all slavery descendants have gained by living in England rather than Africa and such

Who knows, they may end up owing us money


Does anyone read the Andy Capp cartoons linked at the side of my blog? I've been reading Andy Capp for years and have had loads of cartoon books going back to the early days. In my opinion, he's an all time classic, even though the smoking and wife beating are largely a thing of the past

It's not just the written humour in the comic strip that's funny, it's also the attention to detail

Look at his socks

I laughed at that more than the joke, this morning

Oh well...

"...So I took her to Bradford"

It was a joke in the Viz comic, decades ago, about a guy whose girlfriend asked him to kiss her where it smells
As time has passed, all Bradford seems to have done is become smellier. As this Yorkshire Live article from my MSM feed shows, the place has become such a dung heap, the smell will probably never wash out
West Yorkshire pensions debate in chaos as protestors chant 'how many kids have you killed'
Just take a minute to guess who the protestors were aiming these comments at and what the context was
Police were called to a Bradford Council meeting after protestors interrupted with chants of 'how many kids have you killed' during a discussion over pensions.
Because pensions kill kids
It came after Independent Councillor David Ward introduced a motion calling for the West Yorkshire Pension Fund to reveal if any companies they invested in were "complicit in the Genocide being committed in Gaza."
So many questions. The first being, what on Earth has Gaza got to do with David Ward from West Yorkshire, and why is a local councillor trying to play global statesman?
The second is, why does this muppet think Israel defending itself from terrorists amounts to genocide? There's a lot of it about though

Get ready for a laugh
But before the motion was even discussed, the meeting had to be paused as supporters interrupted proceedings while council leaders were questioned about residential parking permits. Unfurling banners, including one starkly reading: "profits covered in Palestinian blood", protestors then began shouting phrases like "How do you sleep at night?" and "How many kids have you killed today?"

The meeting was paused as police and security officers tried to calm the scene. The protesters were eventually escorted out of the public gallery.
The protestors were protesting FOR the thing that was actually happening. The protestors support the motion, but disrupted proceeding to the point where the police were called, delaying the thing they wanted from happening

I'm of the opinion that you'd have to be fairly dense to protest in favour of Gaza, but this mob is so dense, they can't even see when they're getting what they want

But the biggest clown of the day is Mr Ward, the nutter who brought this motion. He appears to have no idea of what he's talking about. Maybe he's just arse licking the local demographic in the hope for votes?
Cllr Ward said: "This motion is only asking us to ensure West Yorkshire Pension Fund complies with our country’s own foreign policy.
I'm not sure what he thinks is UK foreign policy?
Not investing in Isreal?
Not investing in people who do business with Isreal?
Not selling weapons to Isreal, maybe?
Not giving UK pensioners the best value on their investments?
Actually, none of the above is UK foriegn policy, or any other policy
Anyone who fails to do whatever they can to stop the Israeli aggression is complicit
Then call me complicit. I don't think they're the agressive ones
Anyone who votes against our motion is helping Israel breach humanitarian law
Really. I would argue that defending yourself from murderous terrorists is fundamental to humanitarian law
It is against the law for you to vote against our motion tonight
No it isn't. That statement is so laughable... 
But there's a ray of light
But councillors hit back at the substance and timing of his motion. Councillor Rebecca Poulsen, Leader of the Conservatives, said: "Bringing this motion when we've just had the anniversary of that appalling attack shows how blinkered and unfit to be a public servant you are.
"Your supporters earlier tonight led to the chamber being cleared.
True dat. I really think that local councillors who try to get involved in world affairs should be thrown out of office. You should have to take a pledge to look after the interests of your local constituents only, and keep your beak out of larger affairs. Particularly if you are so ignorant about them
"The members of the pension fund have the right to have their pensions be well managed.

"I've spoken to Council leaders across the country, and they ask why Bradford Council spend so much time debating the Middle East when they have so many of their own issues."
I find myself liking her
Councillor Andrew Thornton (Lab, Royds) described the motion as "an attempt to institute sanctions on a local level." He noted that Councillors did not influence the investments made by the Fund, stating: "Whilst Bradford administers the fund, we are not in control of the investment. The Council cannot decide where investment goes.
So there is some knowledge and sense left in Bradford, if only a small pool
Cllr Ward's proposal was ultimately rejected...
It was the only option. And Mr Ward has only embarrassed himself, although I doubt he will see that
Deport him to Gaza
It seems they've been throuigh this crap in the past, but with fossil fuels and climate change. 
There's always something...


I was listening to the radio in bed this morning and caught a little snippet on the news about Manchester airport. I wasn't really listening until they played a quote from some guy at the airport talking about how passenger numbers had passed 30 million for some period or other

It shows that COVID is finally over, and well and truly behind us. It's great that more and more people are enjoying the advantages of air travel

Or words very much to that effect
I liked it because that short sentance will have two groups of people wailing and rending their garments. 
The terminally afraid who are determined to keep COVID going on for as long as possible, still wearing masks in public and bleating on social media that COVID is not over, while relishing the prospect of 2020 restrictions being brought back in

The useful idiots who believe human activity is changing the climate and the only way we should travel is by horse and cart, while eating insects

It's going to anger all the right people, and it gave me a little smile to start my Friday

Also this:

Enjoy your weekend

This must be a first

The first 'conspiracy theory' I believe
Nigel Farage shouted down by MPs in House of Commons for repeating right-wing conspiracy theory
This is in something called the Indy 100. I must have commented on this rag some time in the past, as I remember thinking it sounded like some kind of car race. Car crash would be a more apt descriptive
Nigel Farage was shouted down by angry MPs in the House of Commons during Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) on September 11 for repeating a right-wing conspiracy theory.
Hmm. Right wing conspiracy theory? Bill Gates is putting tracking chips in Covid vaccines? Passenger jets are spraying chemicals that turn us gay? Thatcher is still alive and working in a chip shop in Garstang?
The leader of Reform UK claimed there is "two-tier" policing in the country, which is a conspiracy theory that those who are right-wing are treated more harshly than those who are left-wing.
Two tier policing is a conspiracy therory? Well if the news tells us it is, it must be, huh?

Thugs attacking police at Manchester Airport two months ago, and so far charged with nothing, while people who commented on Facebook about the recent riots are fast tracked into prison. That's not two tier justice

White people who rioted arrested and sent down within a week, while brown people who rioted in Leeds not even nicked. That's not two tier policing

Fully equipped riot police turning up to white people kicking off, yet running away from the darker skinned demographic in Leeds. This is not two tier policing

Communities with 'community leaders', such as areas in Brimingham wich recently saw armed people walking the streets and atacking non-whites, including the Sky News crew and the unfortunate guy outside a pub, allowed to police themselves, while white areas get the full crackdown. This is not two tier policing

Weekly pro-Palestine marches through London, attended by screaming racists, allowed to go ahead, while counter protestors standing and holding signs are thrown to the ground and cuffed. This is not two tier policing
Weekly pro-Palestine protestors allowed to disrupt London every week for almost a year, in support of a terrorist group that kills and kidnaps kids, while dispersal orders are put in place for the day of the Euro football final. This is not two tier policing

And going back a bit, BLM marching and setting fire to stuff while the police take a knee, then turning up to anti Covid lockdown marches and cracking heads with batons. This is not two tier policing

As quoted in a much better attempt at journalism, "Let’s be frank, two-tier policing is not only real – it is also impossible for any honest person to ignore."

Unfortunately, if you are looking for an honest person, our Government, opposition and legacy media are rocks not worth overturning